Steps for Admission
- During admission students should accompany with their guardian. Girls should accompany lady guardian with them.
- Presence of student is must during admission. No admission will be accecpted via phone calls or messages.
- After filling the admission form, read the conditions carefully before signing it.
- Admission form should be fully completed.
- Admissions will commence from 8th of Shawwal-Ul-Mukarram.
- Submission of the form should be in the office of Darul Uloom.
- If the student pass the eligibility test conducted during admission then he/ she can choose their class, if not then examiner will allot the class as per their capabilities.
- Admission fees of Rs. 250 and miscellaneous (Topi and ID- Card) Rs. 100 has to be submitted in the office and collect the receipt.
Note: Admission for boys will be conducted in the head office of the institution and girls in lady Department Office.