Offline Donation
Cheques and Demand Drafts:
Cheques and Demand Drafts can be sent in favour of “Darul Uloom Ali Hasan Ahle Sunnat” to the address given below:-
Darul Uloom Ali Hasan Ahle Sunnat Ajmeri Jama Masjid,
Anis Compound, Link Road, Saki Naka,
Mumbai– 400 072, India
Bank Accounts for Net-Banking and Cash Deposit:
Bank Name | Branch | Current A/C Numbers | IFSC Code |
Axis Bank | Sakinaka | 921020046167592 | UTIB0001696 |
Bombay Merchantile Co-Op. Bank Limited | Kurla | 008110100010265 | BMCB0000008 |
Scan Below QR Code To Pay Through UPI Apps:
You Can Help Darul Uloom Ali Hasan Ahle Sunnat by Donating:
- Estimated cost of one room
- Construction materials and electric stuff
- Books for the Library and Books for the prize of students
- Computers, Printers, Server, original software etc
- Medicines for the Azmat Hospital of Darul Uloom Ali Hasan Ahle Sunnat
- Skins of slaughtered animals at the time of Eid-ul Azha
- Donate to the Safeers (representatives) of Darul Uloom Ali Hasan Ahle Sunnat in your area
- All the donations offered to Darul Uloom Ali Hasan Ahle Sunnat are exempted from taxation under the Section 80-G of Income Tax.
- If you donate through Net-Banking or Cash deposit to Darul Uloom Ali Hasan Ahle Sunnat accounts, please inform us by email so that we can confirm the receipt.
Postal Address:
Darul Uloom Ali Hasan Ahle Sunnat Ajmeri Jama Masjid,
Anis Compound, Link Road, Saki Naka,
Mumbai– 400 072, India
Contact Us at:
Phone: +91 7666857986 / +91 7666902455